Full Length Oil Painting Art Instruction Videos
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Hammock Stand is a group of cottonwood trees near some stables in Granby, Colorado. I was fortunate to paint with the Plein Air Painters of America at Winter Park and a group of us enjoyed a day of painting on a private ranch. The sun illiminated the leaves and brought out all their fall glory. This hour long video shows every brushstroke of the painting and palette – you get to see it all. This is not a typical demonstration piece – this is a 10×8 painting I completed for my galleries.
Here is the full 4 hour long information packed painting video teaching you how to create stunning roses with oil paint. Sweet Summer Days is an 18×24 inch oil painting created for my galleries. These roses were growing in my backyard and I was mesmorized by the light filtering through the petals. This video shows every brushstroke of the painting and palette – you get to see it all. This is not a typical demonstration piece – this is a painting I completed for my galleries. I spent 5 months editing the film so you could spend less time learning and more time painting your own masterpiece! Just click the image to purchase the video.
While my family and I were camping in Brown County we decided to drive and explore the smaller back roads of the state park. The sun was out, but it was a very atmospheric day, a lot of moisture in the air, which made the colors even more brilliant than usual. As we passed a fork in the road I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw a dazzling display as the light filtered through the dust we kicked up. I immediately pulled over and started capturing the fleeting image with my camera. We then took the opportunity to wander for a while and explore. Sometimes all we get is a brief moment with a beautiful scene, but whenever possible I prefer, rather than just snapping some pictures and heading off, to sit and observe and soak up all the subtle nuances of color and light.
The 24×30 inch oil painting Finding Gold in Estes Park was sold through Broadmoor Galleries. Kristie and I took a trip to Estes, Colorado for an Oil Painters of America show I was in. We hiked around all day enjoying the light filled landscape and mountains. This river runs right through Estes and I couldn’t resist painting all the fun colors of the rocks in the flowing water. I filmed the entire painting process – both the painting and the palette – and edited out all the brush cleaning, sneezing or grabbing a paper towel. You get to see every brushstroke and all my color mixing, plus voice over describing and explaining the whole process. Creating these videos is very time consuming, taking generally 3-5 months to finish.
This is the actual hill my children and I go to for sledding. It is also where an adventurous sledding enthusiast built a larger-than-it-looked jump that I thought I could handle with no problem – yes, I broke my tail bone – but, it sure was a fun day!
Winter is so beautiful and clean with dazzling lights and shadows – painting this scene was pure enjoyment. During the voice over I describe the colors and the mixtures I use to create the painting. The painting’s brushstrokes and techniques are much more critical in this piece than the color mixtures since the colors are fairly simple and there are fewer choices than in my typical landscapes. No Palette is shown in this video.
Have a wonderful time creating your own winter wonderland!
What a wonderful surprise that first Spring here in Muncie to discover peonies growing prolifically – lining driveways like a royal entrance, in cultured as well as wild gardens, in alleyways and dotted throughout neighborhood yards.
Those who follow my work know that peonies and roses, like hollyhocks and aspens, continue through the years to enthrall and challenge my creative pursuits and paintings.
This particular peony plant comes back year after year about 3 blocks from our home in front of one of the magnificent Victorian era structures on McCullough Blvd. The peony bush might not have been planted when the property was first developed by the early settlers of Muncie in the 1800’s, but, since peonies are the state flower and can live for more than 100 years, I like to think that it was. Imagine the stories this plant could tell.