Header Image Bill Inman oil Paintings for Master Oil Painting Community

Free Webinar – How to Paint Rocks in Water

Paint along with me during the training! Thursday, November 16th at noon Eastern.

Finding Gold in Estes Park oil painting. This is the painting tutorial that will be used for the free online webinar teaching about how to paint rocks in water.
  • What we'll cover during the webinar:
  • The color and value differences between rocks above and beneath the water.
  • The simple key to painting the structure of rocks in water.
  • How to paint the movement of water over and around the rocks.
  • What ‘Deliberate Practice’ is and how it will help you to master any skill or technique in oil painting.

This webinar is not simply a quick demo and then leaving you to wonder how to apply what you see to your own paintings. You’re going to paint during the webinar so I can help you by answering any questions that come to you while you paint in real time.

We will not send out a replay of the webinar. This will be a live event only. Register by clicking the button below and I will see you Thursday!

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M-F:  8am - 6pm EST
Sat: Variable

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