Header Image Bill Inman oil Paintings for Master Oil Painting Community

Unlock Access for Only $75 $7

That is not a typo. I’m offering you the entire 4-hour white roses painting training and bonuses for only $7

Delicate Strength - White Roses 11x16 Oil painting by Bill Inman and Master Oil Painting


Because I believe you will love the training so much that you will want more!

Enjoy your 90% discount

White Roses Painting Lesson ONLY $7

White Roses oil painting training information image

White Roses oil painting training video image

Delicate Strength (White Roses) is an 11×16-inch painting. You will see every brushstroke from start to finish. This video is one of dozens of training videos found in the Master Oil Painting Membership Library and Courses. Every video in the library takes you from a blank canvas to a completed painting and shows you that you can learn the same techniques and create paintings you’re proud to show your friends and family!

White Roses oil painting bonus training video image

In this bonus training I slow down several brushstrokes and describe in detail how you can achieve the same result. You will learn exactly how to load your brush with thick paint and then place the stroke down in one fluid motion to create a flower petal that feels alive!

Painting Reference Image

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White roses outside the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC photo by Bill Inman

The reversed and tweaked white roses image using Photoshop

Brushes and Palette

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Bonus 2: Access to the Popular Members Only Private Facebook Group

The Master Oil Painting Community loves one another. Our Members’ private Facebook group repeatedly proves it through their incredibly encouraging, inspiring, and helpful comments and critiques.

White Roses Painting Lesson ONLY $7

White Roses oil painting training information image

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