Q: Can you tell us the blue you used at the start of ‘Sledding Hill’? It looks very transparent, and seems a little green.
A: I started the painting by liberally brushing on Manganese Blue.
Then I used a paper towel to wipe away paint until I had the base I wanted to start the painting with.
Cerulean blue was on my palette for many years, but Manganese is slightly warmer and richer. It works beautifully for sunny skies.
Adding a bit of Ultramarine to the top portion of the sky can increase both the color temperature range and value contrasts which creates a fantastic darker lead-in to guide the viewer down to the center of interest.
Sledding Hill, the full 1 hour and 40 minute training video, is available within The Membership and is sold as an individual training lesson. You can purchase it here:
The Membership: www.masteroilpainting.com/membership-learn-more
Individual Lesson: www.masteroilpainting.com/sledding-hill-lesson-landing
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