Guest Post from Kristie –
Edgar Degas said, “Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.”
My involvement with Bill’s painting was usually, “what are you going to paint next?” then in a day (or six) I would go in to critique it. I know he does a lot of study about his subjects before he paints (because he tells me when I ask him what he’s been doing all day).
The work behind the painting is something I hadn’t really understood until he started filming for his monthly instructional videos.
I’m not very good at being patient.
At times I don’t understand what can be taking so long to get a painting done. Especially if I bring him lunch and the painting looks like it’s pretty much finished already. I may point a couple things out to him to fix, but in my mind it should just be a swish here and a touch there, and voila! It’s done.

The Looking Glass | 30×40 by Bill Inman (early stages)

The Looking Glass | 30×40 by Bill Inman (finished)
Turns out it’s not that easy, or quick…?
Per my request, as well as dozens of others over the past few months, Bill has decided to make another painting course.
This one will be for those who are newer to the world of art, including those who have never picked up a paintbrush before. Our plan is for it to lead into the lessons of the 6-week course with plenty of step-by-step instruction.
I have gladly volunteered to be the first student, to help with it’s creation.
Actually, that’s how this course idea began, or the plan for it anyway – I told Bill that if he could teach me to paint he could teach anyone. As has been pointed out many times, I’m good at seeing something that may be off in a painting, but I have no clue how to fix the problems!

Plein Air East Coast White River Experience – problem spots
Excitement and fear are running side by side at the thought of this endeavor.
Excitement at learning how to paint I absolutely love scrolling through the Master Oil Painting Facebook group and seeing the amazing work posted on there! The beautiful emotions put to canvas. Cherished memories caught up in a permanent form.
It’s all just so awe inspiring, and I can feel the anticipation welling up inside me as I want to get started now!
Fear, because what if I can’t learn how to paint?

“Every Artist was First an Amateur” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (oil painting – Legacy – 36×48 – by Bill Inman)
I know it’s going to take an incredible amount of work and practice on my part. Sometimes I feel like my brain takes just a little longer to absorb information. There have been plenty of times when I hear Bill explain something in a webinar and I feel like it’s a different language (which I guess it kind of is). I need an ‘artinese’ translation dictionary…… ya, that’s a made up word, but I still think it would be helpful (might be a blog for later actually).
I’m worried there might be some karma associated with these lessons.
Let me explain. The first time I put Bill on a horse to teach him how to ride, the horse took off into some brush. If Bill tells the story, the horse bolted at a dead run, but If I tell it, he cantered non menacingly. The speed doesn’t matter though – I was laughing too hard to tell him what to do in any case. I knew the horse, I knew he would stop – eventually – and that all Bill had to do was stay on top, which he did!
Now it’s my turn to be taught by the master.
Lucky for me, and all of the Master Oil Painting students, Bill is not the type of person to laugh at inadequacies. But I think, much like when I put him on our old roping horse expecting him to know a little something about the basics, I will be at the canvas and be utterly at a loss.
When Bill and I were engaged I would go up to see him in the art building on campus of what is now BYU-I (formerly Ricks College). He basically lived there. Sometimes there wouldn’t be another soul in the building, but he seemed to always be there working hard.
One time he gave me a sheet of watercolor paper, some brushes and paint, and let me at it.
It was awful!
I’ve seen better things come from our kids in kindergarten. That feeling of failure and frustration has always stayed with me when I think of trying my hand at painting.
What’s interesting is 15 years later, while working through my Speech and Audiology degree, on a whim I took some classes in ceramics, stone cutting and art installation. I loved them all, especially pottery! I wouldn’t go near the drawing or painting classes, too daunting. Now I wish I had.
I get to start at the very beginning with this course, and if Bill can teach me, then it should be quite a successful curriculum.
“Creativity takes courage” Henri Matisse once said.
I think it takes courage all throughout the artistic process. I see the Master Oil Painting members putting their paintings in for LIVE critiques in our webinars and I’m always so impressed with them! The posts in the members only Facebook group asking for critiques impress me as well – and the group insights are so kind and helpful.
You probably won’t see any of my work for a while. I don’t expect to paint pieces rivaling any of the members for quite some time – but I will share them eventually – once I get my painting legs under me.
As I anticipate dipping my toe into the world of painting, the thought of it makes me so much more impressed with your talents and willingness to share and grow with us.
Remember to breathe! Have fun and enjoy the journey….
I am excited for you. You might start by getting a sketch book and try your hand at drawing. Just 15 or twenty minutes per day. Copy anything and everything. Capturing the form of a thing or things is essential. Good luck
Great idea! We have a daughter who carries around a sketch book everywhere. I need to do that aas well. Thanks fo rthe advice!
Thank you Cheryl, I’ll have to bring my yoga breathing into my painting I think!
Hey Kristie I am terrified every time I get in front of the easel (with good reason). Another artist once told me to just paint some colour randomly on the canvas to take away the fear of the white and get started. Unfortunately that won’t work with pencil or ink but works beautifully with oil and pastel and acrylic. Just start then you work with it as Bill does so beautifully. I like the idea of the new course.
Good advice! I will keep that in mind. Thank you!
Thanks You I enjoy and lot of lern
I hope so Marta!
if you can ride a horse, you are half way to being an artist. You balance on a horse. You balance your colors, color temperatures, shapes, and values while creating a painting. You feed a horse to keep it alive and to grow strong. You feed the canvas with brush strokes, color, and shapes to build a strong story. If you get bucked off of a horse, you get back on. If you mess up a painting, you save it, start another, and then go fix the problems on the first one. If you walk a horse and never gallop, you miss all of the fun. Get on that easel and gallop!! Show us your progress, as we all learn from every painting we get to look upon. I have never met a person that did not have talent to express emotions. Put those emotions on your canvas and the rest is just plain fun! Good luck Kristie, post your work soon!
Well said Spike! We should have you be a guest blogger – you have a way with words! Nice thing about art, my teeth won’t get kicked out and my bones shouldn’t suffer any breakage:-) (would still rather be riding though!)
After breeding horses for 40 plus years, I sold my ranch. Riding was my therapy for everyday life’s issues. My favorite part–after a foaling–was to teach the young horses how to socialize, to watch their development with people and each other [all different personalities]. Bill is such a good teacher, with his Love and support and knowledge, you will be soaring across your canvas in glee. You already recognize beauty, so you are 80% there. Much luck in your development as a ‘painting’ artist!
Just go for it. Learning to draw what you see instead of what you think you see is the hardest part. Draw often and learn to look at nature in a different way by seeing the shadows and differences in shapes and colors
Thank you Jane! I should know that, Bill is always talking about the need for good drawing skills. So much to learn!
Just like anything else Practice makes perfect.Just relax and enjoy the journey.
Kathy, you are so right! And that’s a struggle I’ve always had. Maybe I can practice enjoying the journey:-)
Draw an apple while observing It. Paint the apple. Eat the real apple/evidence. Say to yourself, that’s a realistic ?. Enjoy yourself.
I like that Margaret – a great way to ‘internalize’ the work!!
Seems to me Bill said that there’s no wrong way to paint and interpret. I love that he is so positive. Maybe start with loose brush strokes and see where it goes. Maybe the master will rub off.
Truth be told: I think he’s a little apprehensive – I think he’s afraid I won’t like it. But he always keeps a positive outlook and that will be very helpful for me.
Kristy.. I started 2 years ago with roses..I wiped off lots of would be flowers till I finally got the rose painted.. The background is all the Trys I made.. I’ll send you a picture of paintings are slow going now because.. I never new how to draw.. This summer I picked up a pencil and am learning to draw.. I love animals and trees.. The trees I can draw.. Animals are different.. Always live life to the edge!!! Just like painting to the edge don’t leave it have done.. Dawnmarie
Spelling is slow for me too.. Its supposed to read.. Life.. Like painting to the edge… Don’t leave it half done.. You got this girl!! Dawnmarie
Wow! 2 years and look at you! amazing! Thanks for the pep talk, I need it!
I am a 72 year old German grandmother of nine. Always wanting to be able to paint but told myself I had no talent to do such things. A friend told me “talent is overrated” and I should give it a try. From somebody thinking that I barely could draw a stick figure, I am doing alright. Bill just critiqued one of my paintings.
I am content with being an amateur. Looking forward learning with you.
What an example you are! Thank you for your courage. I remember your piece in the critique – you are gifted!
To learn how to ride a horse you need to keep putting your bum in the saddle. Keep putting yourself in front of a canvas or sketch book and you’ll develop into the unique artist you are. You’ve got one of the best teachers around. The motto of our special forces in the UK is “he who dares wins” Go for it girl and enjoy every mistake for next time you’ll be better.? Enjoy the ride. Pete
Pete – I think I may adopt your motto for the UK – maybe change it for me personally to “She who dares wins”. Thank you!
I have no formal training other than instructional art dvds and books. I started painting years ago and got caught up in my work/career. I let fear get in the way of trying to expand my horizons. No longer. The last five years I have progressively worked on my art, bringing back what I had learned and expanding upon it. I started taking chances and looking at the world closer. Using my artist eye and memory. Recently, I have tried stepping further out of the box and bring more impressionism into my work. What I am trying to say in a long winded way is go for it, be you, find your path as you learn the fundamentals needed to paint and believe me your style will come through. One of the most rewarding things in painting is when they recognize the painting not only for the quality but for the signature style that will be you. I have no doubt that yo will do well. Best wishes and Merry Christmas. Lee
Thank you Lee! I have to tell you we framed up the card and it’s sitting in my dinning room right now. It will probably go to the studio for it’s permanent home. But I love the simplicity you use to make a wonderful scene! Thank you!
As a old (89) newbee at painting I would love to have this training made available to us right from the get go.
Yes Douglas! You and many others. I’m impressed with those who have stuck with it and continued in the community! I could never do it! Great job!
Kristie, I started 8 years ago. I traveled a lot with work and just did not have time. Then I wrote my self out of a job and decided to take lessons from the local gallery. My daughter had painted there while a teen and I used to love the smell-of the paint and what the kids came up with. I have had some flops and some great ones. I had dabbled with pastels in high school, but I wanted to hold a brush and push the paint around like a conductor. What I found was it was my calmer, my realm. I get into a zone and I can be painting hours and not realize. I’ve surpassed my teacher and decided to find artists that I could learn from to be better.i now continue my class but for the companionship and the wonderful critiques. You may wNt to find a group of artists that you can paint with. It is exhilarating and I continue to learn from them.
(This is Kristie) That’s a great idea Debra. I love learning in a group – I get so inspired by the people around me!
Where can I find this course you are referring to? I want to learn to paint.
Hi Margaret, the beginner’s course is in the creation stage. Since it is basically Kristie, David and I, and with none of us being professional internet gurus, it can take a while for us to complete a new course. My son David (while working full time for the Air Force) and my wife Kristie take care of most of the internet work to give me more time to concentrate on painting, video editing, blog posts, webinars and answering comments as often as possible, but that alone keeps me working long hours 6 days a week. We will definitely keep you updated on the course progress.
I was a painter in vietnam, I started painting at the age of 20 and now I am 40 years old, I have a paint shop in vietnam I have dedicated all my youth to the paintings the oil paintings sent to everyone. 20 years of experience a lifetime I painted thousands of paintings for customers. And I advise you to start painting the oil, just put down the pen and paint the picture, just draw and draw the course online you can take the course but one thing that the course online does not have. It’s the emotion, the kissing of an artist and to achieve that you have to draw. So just put it down and paint it first and then practice the technique. You can visit my website to see my products
great job
Attending a workshop seems like a quick way to learn new skills and hobbies. You brought up a valuable point when you said that it will take a lot of hard work and practice in order to paint. My daughter loves art, so I’ll suggest she find a workshop in town that offers different kinds of painting lessons.